Community Outreach

Household Hazardous Waste
Collection Event
FREE event in 2024 for Harrison County citizens offered for the second time in partnership between the conservation district and the county fiscal court with a grant through the Ky Division of Waste Management. This event collected 29,500 pounds of hazardous material in 2023 that was recycled and disposed of safely and properly!

Annual Tree Seedling Giveaway
@ Home & Garden Show
We will once again be hosting our annual tree seedling giveaway at the Cynthiana Home & Garden Show. This years expected tree species are PawPaw, White Oak, Eastern Redbud, and White Pine. Limited availability of each species will be offered. Visit our booth in April!
White Goods Cleanup Grant
@ County Spring Cleanup Week
Program is sponsored by the district annually during the spring cleanup event. County residents receive $10 per white good appliance, with a limit of 2 per household. Since 2018, 798 appliances have been collected and prevented from potentially being illegally being dumped, with $7,980 paid out to Harrison Countians for their efforts to recycle these items!

Dead Animal Removal Service
FREE service to Harrison County landowners in partnership with the conservation district, the cooperative extension service and the county fiscal court. This program assists with preventing the contamination of our soil and water with unknown diseases from the improper disposal of deceased livestock.